Black Homeownership Initiative:
Building Black Wealth

The Building Black Wealth campaign is CalHFA’s initiative to increase Black homeownership in California. Looking at homeownership through a lens of equity, Black homeownership is far behind. Our campaign provides educational materials, and connections to resources such as free housing counseling and down payment assistance to help close that gap.

When you are ready to buy a house, contact one of our Building Black Wealth partners or a CalHFA Preferred Loan Officer.

Why Black Homeownership Matters

Homeownership has been the most effective way that Americans build wealth, which can be passed down from generation to generation. It also stabilizes communities, provides access to education, and access to employment opportunities.

However, not all Americans have had an equal opportunity to build wealth through homeownership. Historical discrimination through exclusionary housing policies and practices, plus a dwindling supply of housing and a variety of other factors have limited Black families from purchasing homes at the same rate as their White counterparts.

For the entire 2010s, California’s Black homeownership rate has been lower than it was in the 1960s, when it was completely legal to discriminate against Black homebuyers. The 2019 statistics show that just 41% of Black families own their homes compared to 68% of White families.

Black homeownership rate in 1960 was 42.4% and has dropped to 40.9% in 2019 after 59 years

Note: Data above is from the 2019 homeownership data collected by the U.S. Census.

Did You Know Video Series

“Did You Know” is an educational video series that details America’s history of housing discrimination that has given white families a better opportunity to build wealth through homeownership than Black people.

Did You Know Homestead Acts

The Homestead Acts

The Homestead Act was the earliest attempt by the United States government to provide housing opportunities to its citizens.

Did You Know Redlining


Redlining was a government sanctioned form of housing discrimination where banks, insurance companies, and mortgage lenders refused to issue loans to people in areas deemed “financially risky.”

Did You Know Predatory Lending

Predatory Lending Practices

Predatory lending practices are unethical and illegal practices used by lenders that are unfair to the borrower.

Did You Know Fair Housing Acts

Fair Housing Acts

The Fair Housing Acts were attempts to outlaw discrimination in the sale, rental, or financing of housing based on race.

Tips to Black Homeownership

CalHFA’s Tips to Black Homeownership videos can help first-time homebuyers navigate through the homebuying process. Below, homebuyers can find assistance on topics such as credit, finances and documentation needed when speaking with a lender.

Tips to Black Homeownership videos available:

Building Black Wealth: Participating Lenders

Element Mortgage

Broadway headshot

Tanisha Broadway NMLS# 700482

Phone: 916.671.6299


Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation

Hultin headshot

Aaron D Hultin NMLS# 223045

Phone: 760.271.1179


Guild Mortgage

Bey headshot

Jamal Bey NMLS# 1575748

Phone: 510.502.4850


New American Funding

Clark headshot

Shonta Clark NMLS# 453545

Phone: 424.354.7411


Supreme Lending

Renee Tucker headshot

Renee Tucker NMLS# 255750

Phone: 510.200.5844
